
CentricFlow API Documentation

API v2.0

CentricFlow has an easy-to-use Read-Only API. Responses are provided as XML or JSON. It lets you get the details of your clients, candidates, consultants and bookings. The CentricFlow API Documentation covers how to access and use the API. It covers the Authentication and Methods.


HTTP Basic Access Authentication is used for verifying accounts that access the API. To setup your login details for the API, visit the API Settings on the Platform. For each of the accounts you setup, you can restrict what can be accessed, for example you can create an account that will get your list of clients only.


Responses can either be XML or JSON. Just mention the preferred format as shown below


Below are the available methods you can call to fetch data on the API.



The getClients method allows you get all of your clients on the platform.

The URL for the request would be: https://api.centricflow.co.uk/getClients

Available fields from this method include:

  • companyID
  • companyName
  • companyTelephone
  • companyAddressLine1
  • companyAddressLine2
  • companyAddressRegion
  • companyAddressCountry
  • companyAddressPostcode
  • sectorName
  • creditLimit
  • CompanyNo
  • companyVATNo



The getConsultants method allows you get all of your consultants setup on the platform.

The URL for the request would be: https://api.centricflow.co.uk/getConsultants

Available fields from this method include:

  • consultantID
  • consultantFirstname
  • consultantSurname
  • consultantEmail
  • consultantJobTitle



The getCandidates method allows you get all of your candidates on the platform.

The URL for the request would be: https://api.centricflow.co.uk/getCandidates

Available fields from this method include:

  • candidateID
  • candidateFirstname
  • candidateSurname
  • candidateDOB
  • candidateNI
  • candidateEmail
  • candidateTelephone
  • candidatePaymentType
  • candidateAddressLine1
  • candidateAddressLine2
  • candidateAddressRegion
  • candidateAddressCountry
  • candidateAddressPostcode
  • candidateBankName
  • candidateBankSortCode
  • candidateBankACNo
  • candidatePosition



The getPlacements method allows you get all of your bookings on the platform.

The URL for the request would be: https://api.centricflow.co.uk/getPlacements

Available fields from this method include:

  • bookingID
  • clientID
  • candidateID
  • consultantID
  • bookingDate
  • bookingStart
  • BookingPosition
  • payRateOveride
  • chargeRateOveride
  • PurchaseOrder
  • bookingStatus
  • paymentType
  • payRate
  • payRateOvertime
  • chargeRate
  • chargeRateOvertime



The getTimesheets method allows you get all of your bookings on the platform along with the completed timesheets.

The URL for the request would be: https://api.centricflow.co.uk/getTimesheets

Available fields from this method include:

  • bookingID
  • clientID
  • candidateID
  • consultantID
  • bookingDate
  • bookingStart
  • BookingPosition
  • PurchaseOrder
  • totalHours
  • standardHours
  • overTimeHours
  • totalBreak
  • StandardPayRate
  • StandardChargeRate
  • StandardPayCalculation
  • StandardChargeCalculation
  • OverTimePayRate
  • OverTimeChargeRate
  • OverTimePayCalculation
  • OverTimeCalculation
  • ApprovalStatus

Method Options

With the Methods, you can apply additional options such as limiting the number of records per page or exclude records from the results.


You must supply the ‘exclude_ids​’ in a comma-seperated list, for example, 1,2,3,4 and this will ignore these records.

This is available on all methods


You must supply the ‘required_ids​’ in a comma-seperated list, for example, 1,2,3,4 and this will only show these records.

This is available on the getClients and getCandidates


The ‘limit’ will allow you to limit the number of records returned. You can use this in conjunction with the ‘page’ options paginate your results.

This is available on all methods


The ‘startDate’ will allow you to filter the dates you want to return. If you don’t specify the dates we will return all records. This must be used with ‘stopDate’

This is available on the placements method only.


The ‘stopDate’ will allow you to filter the dates you want to return. If you don’t specify the dates we will return all records. This must be used with ‘startDate’

This is available on the placements method only.